Fear No Evil
Fear No Evil | Frank LaLoggia | US 1981 | 99 Min
Der 17-jährige Andrew wird von seinen Klassenkameraden gnadenlos schikaniert. Was sie (noch) nicht wissen: Der stille junge Mann ist die jüngste Inkarnation von Luzifer und drauf und dran, den Weltuntergang einzuleiten. Robert LaLoggias zum Großteil selbstfinanziertes Leidenschaftsprojekt ist ein ziemlich irrlichternder Bastard aus Teenieslasher und Okkulthorror, der einen erotisch aufgeladenen queeren Antichristen in den Kampf gegen Erzengel – darunter Gabrielle, die weibliche Version von Gabriel – schickt, all das zu einem Soundtrack von den Ramones, Talking Heads, Sex Pistols und Patti Smith. Ziemlich heilig!
Frank LaLoggia
is an American director, screenwriter, producer, and actor born in 1954. He only made a few films in his career. LaLoggia independently produced his debut, the horror movie Fear No Evil (1981), with his cousin, and followed it with the poetic ghost story Lady in White (1988). He later also made the TV thriller Mother (1995).
is an American director, screenwriter, producer, and actor born in 1954. He only made a few films in his career. LaLoggia independently produced his debut, the horror movie Fear No Evil (1981), with his cousin, and followed it with the poetic ghost story Lady in White (1988). He later also made the TV thriller Mother (1995).